The Sree Vellat Puthur Shiva Temple is only an hour away from the famous Guruvayoor Temple in Kerala, yet very few people know about this very powerful Shiva temple nestled, almost hidden, in a tiny town called Perintalmanna, in the western ghats in Kerala.
Lord Shiva and Parvati
Astrological recordings found at the site show that the temple was consecrated by yogis over 1500 years ago and the Shakti of Goddess Parvati is hidden in the Shiva Lingam. The recordings show that the deity should be worshiped as Lord Parama Shiva and that all those who worship at this temple will attain supreme bliss. Those who worship here attest to the intense power of the deity to cure mental disorders, ward off dangers, and bless devotees with a smooth run of life in the family.
Dakshinamurthy, Kirathamurthy and Sankaranarayana murthy
The great sanctity of the Shiva Lingam here is that the Lord is associated with his aspects i.e. Dakshinamurthy, Kirathamurthy and Sankaranarayana murthy, the murtis of whom are installed in the temple as upa devatas and in shrines of their own.
The other upa devatas in the temple are Ganesha, Subramanian, Sasthavu and Naga prathista. Previously Lord Krishna as Venugopalamurthy was worshipped in the temple as an upadevata.
Lord Krishna
In 1978, an Ashtamangalya Prasna conducted in the temple found that Venugopalamurthy (Krishna) should be worshipped treating the lord as the second main deity of the temple.
Accordingly a new temple for Venugopalamurthy (Krishna) was constructed in the temple compound in 1980. The murti of Venugopalamurthy(Krishna) is beautiful. At the time of Deeparadhana the smiling face of the Lord is bedecked with sandal paste and crowned with a diadem and the Lord reveals his blissful nature and devotees feel his grace. This may be the reason the temple has been attracting people from around the world.
Sree Thirumandham Kunnu Bhagavathi
Another specialty of this temple is the presence of Sree Thirumandham Kunnu Bhagavathi. The Goddess is so beautiful and powerful that she is to be experienced. As an act of reverence to the Bhagavathi, a Tantric ritual known as"Kalamezhuthu and Kalampattu" for Sree Bhadrakali is conducted in this temple for more than 90 days ending with the Thalapoli Festival on Karthika day in the month of Meenom every year.
By worshipping the main deities, Lord Siva and Venugopalamurthy(Krishna), and the Upa Devatas in the temple, the devotees can lead a peaceful and contented household life free from worries and troubles.